Mental Breaks that Make You Whole; The Journey To Wholeness Part ll
In Part One I talked about the mental breaks that make you whole. If one doesn’t take care of themselves spiritually, mentally, and...

Mental Breaks That Make You Whole: Part I
Have you ever started a project or made plans to do something but couldn’t finish if you wanted to? If you’re honest we all have! That...

The Predictable Is Not So Predictable
There are certain times when our lives seem so predictable. We know what’s going on from one day to the next which, isn’t a bad thing it...

A Blessing In The Lesson
There Are More Times In Our Lives Than Not That We Are Disappointed, Angry, Or Even Humiliated As We Are Trying To Walk Out Our Life’s...

What are you going to do for You
My friend and I were having our weekly chat and she said to me “I’m tired and I feel stuck and burned-out. I have been married for ten...

Each One Reach One
My organization “Strengthen The Bond” is about Mothers and Daughters healing, connecting, growing, and celebrating each other while...

Birthing it!
As I stroll along Lake Michigan on a beautiful summer’s day with the rays of the sun shining down on me; I started thinking. I started...